The benefits of data-driven decision making are obvious to many organizations. They have invested in reliable data structures, but what about their performance?

We enhance the adoption of analytics technologies by business users.

  • Easily integrate an in-memory DB
  • Facilitate the production of insights
  • Control your costs
  • Accelerate your BI system by up to 100 times

Get in touch now

Organizations are facing the following challenges:

Based on what we observe on the market..

Analytics provisioning

Slow processing of users' ad hoc requests

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Lack of accessibility of dashboards and analyses

Processes icon

Difficulty to manage ever-increasing volumes of data

Maximize your data consumption.

We integrate Exasol's well established analytical database in synergy with/or as a replacement for your existing BI system to accelerate its performance.

Get a cutting-edge decision support system


Improve business users' productivity


Increase in the analytics consumption


Unify the access to all data sources


Scale-up of your infrastructure


Gain profitability through optimized and predictable costs


Democratize a data-driven culture

Want to speed up your BI up to 100 times?


Get in touch with our teams now, and find out how we can change your users' day-to-day activities.