White Paper

Agile Architecture, a key practice for
embracing changes


Get the White Paper now for free

Key Insights

  • 76% of organizations are either starting,
    restarting or renewing their Enterprise Architecture efforts.

  • Relevant guidelines to build an Architecture

  • A complete directory of Agile Architecture
    Approaches and Styles

  • Our advice to create an Agile Architecture

Why read this White Paper?

This report gives the keys to meet the challenges of uncertainty (for example, the COVID-19 pandemic), as well as ensuring growth and innovation with your software product.

It highlights how modern architectures should remain simple, extendable, and easy to maintain as business and technology do not evolve at the same pace.

Download this report to build your future-proof software.

LP - WP - SPE - Agile Architecture - EU


  1. Introduction
  2. Ensuring the Sustainability of Software Products
  3. Designing Software Architecture
  4. Agile Architecture Approaches and Styles
  5. Conclusion